From Roblox Evolve Wiki
Revision as of 12:44, 8 February 2024 by Herewego (talk | contribs)

XP Is a System that fills up in a XP Bar that shows your DNA On The Right.

You gain EXP by eating food or by living 1 in-game year, the amount of bonus xp you get for your age is the number divided by 5 rounded down like theDNA risk calculation. The Base number of XP you get from 1 in-game year starts at 10

The Base number of XP you get from 1 in-game year starts at 10 There are also bonus XP added for Grazer And Jaws for eating the specific type of food instead of the mouth.

For The Jaws Eating Meat gives 12 experience instead of 5

For the Grazer Eating Orbs gives 10 experience instead of 5

For The Parasite Stealing 1 Piece of Food gives 8 experience

For The Nouricyte For 1 person you feed gives 8 experience